Looking to Partner with a Few Martial Arts School Owners

If you have empty spots on your mats, or need to add more cash flow to your academy, let’s chat to see if we may be a good fit. We love helping schools become the #1 academy in their area.

In just one month, one of our clients collected $10,000 with NO ad spend.

How We Build Million Dollar Dojo's


Get new students walking through your doors with our ‘Cold to Sold’ lead machine


Get folks to COMMIT to their transformation, and the 'value' becomes priceless. (this means you can charge higher prices)


Get folks to stay LONGER...by building a student journey. Basically, students start asking to pay you more money.

How We Add 50-100 Students in 90 Days

I’ve been getting a lot of questions on this….

Is it even possible to add 50-100 students in 90 days?

Rebekah here from MDD dropping by. 👋

It sounds like a bold claim.

(but we got proof👍)

How We Build Million Dollar Dojo’s

Speak (or chat) with a MDD Consultant

Let’s find out if & how we can help your school grow.

Become a MDD Academy

Join our 90 Day Academy Launch program & get fast results, and if doesn’t work, we’ll gladly return all your money.

Consistently Add High Value Students

Our process will help you add high value students every single month, in fact, you might run out of room and fill all of the spaces on your mats.

Three Ways We Can Help

  1. Join our Secret Ninja Group for School Owners (it’s free) – CLICK HERE

  2. Text ‘100 Students’ to (210) 446-5268 & Let’s Chat To See If/How We can Help

  3. Press The Button Below & We’re happy to chat on the phone

Get In Contact With Us

You’ve probably got some questions at this point, & that’s great!  We want to make sure you’re confident in taking this next step.  Here’s how you can find us:

Do You Need To
Fill Your Mats Fast?